Renditja vjetore e "QS" ka lansuar listën e top universiteteve më të mira për të studiuar shkenca kompjuterike dhe sistemet e informacionit, duke përdorur të dhëna bazuar në reputacionin akademik. 
Shkencat kompjuterike kohën e fundit janë profesionet më të kërkuara në botë .Vendimi se ku të regjistroheni në universitet është me të vërtetë i vështirë, pasi sot është në rrijte e sipër në numri i universiteteve që kanë programe të mëdha teknologjike në vitet e fundit.

Këto janë 25 universitetet më të mira për të studiuar shkenca kompjuterike.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) 

2. Stanford University (USA) 

3. Carnegie Mellon University (US) 

4. University of Cambridge (UK) 

5. Harvard University (US) 

6. University of California, Berkeley (United States) 

7. University of Oxford (UK) 

8. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland) 

9. National University of Singapore (Singapore) 

10. Princeton University (United States) 

11. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong) 

12. University of Edinburgh (UK) 

13. Imperial College London (UK) 

14. The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 

15. The University of Melbourne (Australia) 

16. University of California, Los Angeles (United States) 

17. Australian National University (Australia) 

18. Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 

19. University of Toronto (Canada) 

20. The University of Tokyo (Japan) 

21. Time (Singapore) 

22. Cornell University (United States) 

22. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland) 

24. University of Waterloo (Canada) 

25. University College London (UK)

Computer Sciences last time are required professions in the world .Vendimi where to register at the university is really difficult, because today is the upgrading of the above in the number of universities that have major technological programs in recent years.


Annual ranking of "QS" has launched a list of top best universities to study computer science and information systems, using data based on academic reputation.

These are 25 of the best universities to study computer science.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

2. Stanford University (USA)

3. Carnegie Mellon University (US)

4. University of Cambridge (UK)

5. Harvard University (US)

6. University of California, Berkeley (United States)

7. University of Oxford (UK)

8. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland)

9. National University of Singapore (Singapore)

10. Princeton University (United States)

11. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)

12. University of Edinburgh (UK)

13. Imperial College London (UK)

14. The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

15. The University of Melbourne (Australia)

16. University of California, Los Angeles (United States)

17. Australian National University (Australia)

18. Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

19. University of Toronto (Canada)

20. The University of Tokyo (Japan)

21. Time (Singapore)

22. Cornell University (United States)

22. Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (Switzerland)

24. University of Waterloo (Canada)

25. University College London (UK)

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